What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a medical condition that happens when during sleep, the muscles at the back of your throat weaken, allowing the soft tissues to slip down into the airway, blocking the airway, and triggering breathing interruptions. People who have apnea will also snore (but not everyone who snores has apnea). Every night people with apnea may experience hundreds of tiny breathing interruptions, and sometimes these interruptions are so mild that they may not know they have apnea. But it may still cause severe complications even though the condition may be mild. Sleep apnea is also known as OSA or obstructive sleep apnea.
Can apnea cause medical problems?
An elevated risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disorders like heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression have been associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Plus, the chance of getting a car accident can also be increased by lack of sleep.
What symptoms can sleep apnea cause?
Probably the most common symptom associated with sleep apnea is snoring, but the disorder can also cause many other symptoms, including:
- Chronic drowsiness throughout the day
- Productivity reduction
- Moodiness and irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty recalling
- Lower Drive For Sex
- Choking or gasping for air and waking up
We can arrange a quick sleep study that can be carried out right in your own home if you think you might have apnea.
Can sleep apnea be treated?
With a oral appliance that’s worn when you sleep, we help patients conquer sleep apnea. The system looks like a mouth guard, and it is built to help move your lower jaw forward gently so that your airway remains open. Sleep apnea devices are customized to suit your mouth so that when being used, they are very comfortable.